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The Birth of Jesus: Matthew and Luke

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide differing accounts of Jesus' birth and early life. It may be possible to reconcile the accounts, but I do not believe it is a probable retelling of historical events. The accounts are not consistent with each other, and their differences suggest a theologically motivated story at the expense of historical accuracy.

Comparison of Birth Narratives

Event Matthew Luke
Genealogy From Abraham to Joseph (1:1-17) From Adam to Joseph (3:23-38)
Annunciation to Mary Not mentioned Angel Gabriel appears to Mary (1:26-38)
Mary visits Elizabeth Not mentioned Mary visits Elizabeth for three months (1:39-56)
Joseph's reaction to Mary's pregnancy Plans to divorce Mary quietly (1:19) Not mentioned
Annunciation to Joseph Angel appears in a dream (1:20-25) Not mentioned
Journey to Bethlehem Not mentioned Joseph and Mary travel for census (2:1-5)
Birth of Jesus Mentioned briefly (1:25) Detailed account, laid in a manger (2:6-7)
Announcement to shepherds Not mentioned Angels appear to shepherds (2:8-20)
Circumcision of Jesus Not mentioned Circumcised on the eighth day (2:21)
Presentation at the Temple Not mentioned Jesus presented, Simeon and Anna prophesy (2:22-38)
Visit of the Magi Magi follow star and visit Jesus (2:1-12) Not mentioned
Flight to Egypt Family flees to Egypt (2:13-15) Not mentioned
Massacre of the Innocents Herod kills children in Bethlehem (2:16-18) Not mentioned
Return from Egypt Family returns, settles in Nazareth (2:19-23) Not mentioned
Return to Nazareth After Egypt (2:23) After temple presentation (2:39)
Jesus' childhood Not mentioned Brief mention of growth and wisdom (2:40)
Jesus at the Temple at age 12 Not mentioned Detailed account (2:41-52)