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The Age of the Earth

The data seem to indicate that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. This conclusion is supported by multiple lines of scientific evidence. To believe that the earth is 6000-10000 years old in the presence of this data seems disingenuous. Either God created the world 4.5 billion years ago, he created it to appear 4.5 billion years old, or all lines of evidence from modern science are in error.

Lines of Evidence

Method Measured Age Additional Information
Meteorite Dating 4.56 billion years Carbonaceous chondrite meteorites from the solar system's formation.
Uranium-Lead Decay 4.54 billion years Dating zircon crystals.
Potassium-Argon Decay 4.3 billion years Dating volcanic rock formations.
Dating of Lunar Samples 4.4 billion years From the Apollo Missions.
Ocean Floor Stripes Over 200 million years Magnetic stripes record Earth's magnetic reversals.
Ice Core Sampling Over 800,000 years Analysis of ice layers and trapped gases.
Tree Rings Over 12,000 years Annual records in tree rings.
Stratigraphy diagram

The laws of stratigraphy, used for relative dating.

Picture of the Grand Canyon

An image of geological layers in the Grand Canyon and their approximate dates.