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Evolution: Evidences

The theory of evolution is supported by a wide range of scientific evidence from various disciplines. Each field provides unique insights that collectively strengthen our understanding of how life on Earth has changed over time.

Lines of Evidence

Discipline Evidence Description Significance
Paleontology Fossil Record Preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms Demonstrates change in species over time and transitional forms
Comparative Anatomy Homologous Structures Similar anatomical features in different species Indicates common ancestry and adaptive evolution
Embryology Developmental Similarities Common patterns in embryonic development across species Indicates shared history and conserved developmental pathways
Molecular Biology DNA and Protein Similarities Genetic and protein sequence similarities among species Provides molecular evidence for common descent and evolutionary relationships
Biogeography Species Distribution Patterns of species distribution across geographical areas Supports evolution through adaptation to different environments
Genetics Population Genetics Changes in gene frequencies within populations over time Demonstrates evolution at the genetic level and mechanisms of adaptation
Biochemistry Universal Biochemical Processes Common biochemical pathways and molecules across all life forms Indicates a single origin of life and subsequent diversification
Artificial Selection Selective Breeding Human-directed evolution of domesticated plants and animals Demonstrates the power of selection in shaping species over time
Microbiology Bacterial Resistance Evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria Shows evolution occurring in real-time and its practical implications