The Age of the Earth

The earth is about 4.5 billion years old.


Method Measured Age Additional Information
Meteorite Dating 4.56 billion years Carbonaceous chondrite meteorites from the solar system's formation
Uranium-Lead Decay 4.54 billion years Dating zircon crystals
Potassium-Argon Decay 4.3 billion years Dating volcanic rock formations
Lunar Samples 4.4 billion years From the Apollo Missions
Ocean Floor Over 200 million years Magnetic stripes record Earth's magnetic reversals
Ice Cores Over 800,000 years Analysis of ice layers and trapped gases
Tree Rings Over 12,000 years Annual records in tree rings

Other Data

The laws of stratigraphy and geological layers provide additional evidence:

  • Stratigraphy shows clear layering of rock formations
  • The Grand Canyon reveals distinct geological periods
  • Multiple dating methods confirm similar age ranges
  • Fossil records align with geological timescales
  • Plate tectonics and continental drift patterns

The Bible

However, the Bible supports a 6,000 year old Earth:

  • Genealogies in Genesis provide a chronological timeline
  • The Hebrew word "yom" (day) in Genesis 1 suggests literal 24-hour days